Young Minds – Young minds is a charity which support young people with their mental health, in order to access support quickly. They provide a variety of programmes for young people, training and also guides to different areas of mental health. YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

Kooth – Kooth is an online mental health team which provide a variety of different services which can include talking to a professional in the form of live counselling or messaging, there are also magazines and forums. Home - Kooth

Time2Talk – Is a charity that promotes the emotional wellbeing of young people aged 11-25 which includes counselling services, seminars and courses. Time to talk | Counselling for young people in West Berkshire (

NHS Anxiety in children – The NHS have produced a document which shares information about anxiety in children and how to support them. Anxiety in children - NHS (

The Autism Research Group – Have produced a guide on anxiety in autism including tools for managing anxiety in autism. Anxiety-in-Autism-Guide.pdf (

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