What is Body Signing? 

Body Signing is a type of sign language that has been adapted for individuals with a visual impairment. The National Sensory Impairment Partnership have produced an initial guide on using body signing. Body Signing Booklet.indd (wordpress.com)

Tactile Alphabet based communication – This method of communication can be used with individuals who are deaf/blind or have complex disabilities. Sense have provided a variety of different ways of communicating through a tactile alphabet system. Including a Deafblind manual or Block alphabet. Tactile alphabet | Sense

TaSSeLs - Tactile signing for sensory leaners which is a system of touch-speech cues to promote effective communication for individuals with profound or complex learning disabilities. Communcication matters have created a guide  Microsoft PowerPoint - CM CONFERENCE 160914.ppt [Compatibility Mode] (communicationmatters.org.uk) and Victoria Poole have produce a guide on some important signs Tassels-1.pdf (victoria.poole.sch.uk)

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