CEA card – A UK wide scheme which makes sure that disabled guest are able to get the adjustments that they need at the cinmea. This card allows  a carer to receive a free ticket while you provide assistance. Home - CEA Card

Council Tax – Disabled Relief – Disabled individuals are not included in the calculation of Council tax. Council Tax: Discounts for disabled people - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Direct Payments – If you or someone you care for receive help from social services then you can apply for direct payments. This can be available to disabled people aged 16 or over, disabled parents for children’s services and carers aged 16 years or over. Apply for direct payments - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Early Years Funding – All 3 to 4 year olds in England can get 570 free hours of childcare per year. This is usually taken as 15 hours a week. Other children may be intitled to 30 hours free child care a week. In order to get the funding your child must be with an approved childcare provider.  Early years funding: 2021-2022 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Family Fund – Helps families who are raising children under 17 with special educational needs and disabilities. They provide grants for families from low-income households so that all disabled or ill children have the same choices, quality of life and equipment. Family Fund

Merlin’s Magic Wand – Provides complimentary tickets and grants for families to be able to access Merlin attractions. They also are offering outreach services where they bring their magic to hospitals, orphanages and learning centres. Merlin's Magic Wand - a worldwide charity for children (merlinsmagicwand.org)

Turn 2 Us – A tool which provides financial support including a grant search tool and benefits calculator. Fighting UK Poverty - Turn2us

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