At Parsons Down we are committed to fostering an inclusive, positive and nurturing environment for all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. In order to empower SEN,D students to flourish, we must not only support them with what they cannot do but should recognise, nurture and celebrate the many strengths and talents of being neurodiverse.

In March we plan to spend a whole week celebrating these strengths through Neurodiversity Celebration Week. During the week we will also be finding out about the successes of neurodivergent adults, such as Michael Phelps, Emma Watson, Steve Jobs and Richard Branson, and teaching the children how it feels to learn and think differently to others.

On Tuesday 22nd March, we would like to invite all children to wear their brightest colours to help celebrate difference. We will be asking for a voluntary donation of £1 per pupil, which can be donated directly to Swings and Smiles.

Parsons Down Partnership of Schools